Peace For Palestine

Protests in support of Palestine are growing here at home and across the world. This is not surprising when seeing images of war and brutality coming out of Gaza. There has also been a call for a ceasefire in the region getting louder as well. I would support this call, if I thought it meant the …

Giving The Road Ahead For Canadian Political Parties

Many of my posts focus on American politics, so today I want to give some attention to Canadian politics. I want to lay a non- partisan, serious pathway forward for each of the three main federal parties. 2025 is still a long way out to sit around in self induced political paralysis. All three le…

Fighting Canada's Drug Addiction

We get so many things from China. Some good, some not so much. We can thank them for making so many products affordable that we’ve been able to put more presents under the tree during Christmas. In producing all that stuff, China is the world leader in releasing CO2, which contributes to climate ch…

A Meaningful Regular Season

Another baseball regular season has come and gone and it is looking again like it meant nothing.  All the top teams have been bounced early and teams with good, but not great seasons that barely made it into the playoffs are advancing.  Winning a division and getting home field advantage doesn’t se…

Getting Toronto Sports Good Enough Philosophy

Are you really surprised?  If you're reading this I doubt it. Hard core Blue Jays fans saw this movie all year.  Wasted starts, questionable managing, bad base running, and an inability to hit with runners in scoring position.  What made this season, so frustrating - is there is a lot of talent…

Peace In Ukraine

I find stalemates frustrating at the best of times. Arm wrestles and tugs of war that don’t end quickly seem to go on forever.   Sadly, for the citizens of Ukraine these are not good times indeed.  The months of this war risk spilling into another year and no one sees an end to this conflict comi…

Exposing Green Belt Xenophobes

The Greenbelt currently dominates Ontario news - that I felt the need to add something to defend the pro build stance the government has taken. Found in speaking with too many Green Belt defenders that the environment was being used as a smokescreen. Some don't understand the economic need f…

Supporting Nikki Haley

Watched the first 2024 Republican Debate last night. It was another Blue Jays snooze fest so I found myself in search of something more entertaining.  I am guessing the debate was ignored by many with former President Trump skipping the proceeding. He is so far out in the lead for the 2024 Republic…

Giving Both Love And Respect In Our Schools

With the recent decisions from the Saskatchewan and New Brunswick governments regarding parental consent, I wanted to go back to a post I made when Florida was pushing back with its own sets of education policy changes. As you can read I did see this coming. As for this issue, my hope is that balan…

Asking If Teacher Unions Support Public Education

Recent post brought this up - so I decided to post this article with the paper's headline and original newspaper clip below as the link has since been removed.  There sure has been enough “union bashing” going on during this economic downturn. Unionized autoworkers seem to be taking the …