Protesting in Canada

Well look at that, another protest in Ottawa. Is anyone else concerned with the growing discontent among the working class in this country?  It is one thing to have economic gripes when unemployment is high - but there are jobs a plenty out there. The problem is they don't pay enough to keep up…

Parental Input In Public Education

Florida Parents Bill of Rights Law - aka Don't Say Gay Law has stirred up quite a bit of controversy. One would hope there would be some professional discretion allowed on behalf of educators to follow age appropriate curriculum in discussing  matters with students. Unfortunately, too many pare…

Questioning Masked Teaching

When masks wearing became optional for teachers, I made my choice to not continue. Why?  1. I believe they inhibit learning. Now not all research is conclusive -  NY Times  but I believe when given the choice, I will teach without them for a better learning experience for students.  2. I miss the v…