There’s An Argument To Be Made Against French Immersion

Wrote this before issue was picked up by Maclean's and others.  Greg Cawsey  Tue Dec 07 2010   There’s an argument to be made against French immersion One of the tougher decisions my wife and I have had to make as parents involved the option of enrolling our kids in French immersion. Our school…

If Guelph Cares About the World - It Must Grow Up!

A recent column in the Economist Magazine indicates that one of the major implications of global warming will be the migration of millions of people from soon to be unlivable areas to regions that are able to cope with rising global temperatures. No resource of course has the impact of damming a p…

Winning Gold at Being an Olympic Cynic

I told my friend the other day that I think the Olympics has become a sham. He said,   “When did you get so cynical”? Well, I can tell you it didn’t happen yesterday. The Olympics have marked the passing time of my once innocent youth, to becoming a cynical, but wiser adult.   Growing up as fla…

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