Is A Post-National State Code For 51?


In an astonishing statement to the New York Times in 2015, Justin

Trudeau declared, "There is no core identity, no mainstream in

Canada,'' and consequently that "makes us the first post-national state." 

Or is that the 51st state Justin?  

Fully expect the noise surrounding Trump’s Canada as the 51st state joke to only get louder in the opening months of 2025.  So worth looking at what that could possibly mean. 

If you believe that any talk of Canada joining the U.S. is just that talk, I beg to differ. A few things would have to line up for it to ever happen, but those things are not as far fetched as you might believe.   

Certainly, in peacetime there is not going to be any thought among Canadians of joining the U.S., but a world conflict could definitely change the calculus. Before going down that road however, it's worth looking at what has a better chance of happening and what a closer relationship with the States would look like.  

The idea of a North American security perimeter was floated after 9/11, but the unpopularity of W. Bush kept it on the back burner.  The idea became more palatable to Canadians when the popular Obama became President back in 2008. The idea would call for the two countries to work in tandem in deciding who is let into the Canadian/U.S. perimeter. Once that uniform standard is established then citizens of both countries could cross the border as easily as people cross states or provinces. It would follow the same process as EU member countries police their borders. The perimeter is the check point focus, but once in either country, citizens and more importantly the flow of commerce moves freely.   

This idea never got off the ground even with Obama’s charm spell over Canada. The Liberals at home opposed any of Conservative PM Harper’s initiatives at the time. In fact, most Canadians balked at the idea of giving control of who can enter Canada to Americans. That’s where the issue has been since Trump started making border concessions a bargaining chip in his 25 % tariff threat. Now faced with economic fall out of our exports being iced out of America, the discussion of a border perimeter is now back on with a good chance of it coming to fruition. 

The next phase would be for the countries to adopt a North American currency. The Americans have been very clear that they support this idea, under one condition - that the “new” currency is the all mighty American Dollar.  Will have to wait and see if that happens, but Trump may black ball Canada again and if he is able to get Canada to appease him so quickly giving up control of their border.  Of course, if the Canadian dollar keeps tanking, Canadians may start demanding the U.S. dollar over their own northern peso anyhow.  

So yes the 51st state talk is out there, but if you can control a country economically, is there really much need to take it over politically.  If we do follow the path of an EU model, I am not sure how long Canada would survive before Canadians themselves decided what is the point of maintaining the charade. Germans, Italians, and the French, have no question of their cultural place in the world. Far too many Canadians have little sense of identity beyond defining themselves as being different from Americans. Are hockey, universal healthcare (which isn’t that great) and fewer shootings,  really enough to be the ties that bind when tested?

Our next Prime minister certainly has a tall order in restoring a sense of national pride and unity.  The last guy’s post - national agenda couldn’t have helped Trump more. 

Written By The 1oo% Human Content of Gregory Cawsey



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