Years ago when Pierre Trudeau died I wore a red rose on my lapel to mark the sombre occasion. I say this so the following comments are not taken as some partisan rant, but an objective assessment.
I last voted for Justin Trudeau back in 2015 with the hopes of his government offering a breath fresh air in electoral reform. Instead the air blown in our face was pot smoke. That being his signature accomplishment compared to his Dad’s string of a achievements, it’s little wonder that his party has been in minority status ever since.
Justin’s divisive approach during and since Covid show a Prime Minister that is more concerned with exploiting division to maintain power than risk alienating his base to unite.
Now in the twilight of Justin’s reign, the departure from his Dad’s principles is even more stark. With the end of the NDP alliance, which unto itself seems a departure from how an independent Pierre would have operated, Justin is now working with the Bloc in a desperate bid to hold on to power. Think about that, the Quebec separatist party now holds the balance of power in Canada thanks to Justin’s liberals. I really wish Pierre was still alive to comment on this. If he thought Meech Lake denigrated federalism, he could be no fan of his own son putting himself over a barrel in capitulating to one province’s demands.
As for what comes next, again I believe Pierre, a man of his convictions, would be taking a different path. Rather than risk being seen as weak and desperate, I believe Pierre would go to the polls and let the voters get what they deserved. If Justin truly believes his course of action is the right path, then let Canadians see for themselves how the leader of the Opposition actually governs.
His Dad, won, lost and then won power again. Justin should resign himself to do the same. For better or worse, the liberal party still revolves around him. He could use the break to regroup and second guess from the sidelines. This encore strategy seems to have worked for Trump so far. The odds of this game plan working only get worse each day he twists himself to stay in power.
If Justin delays any longer, I may find myself wearing another red rose, but this time for the Trudeaus’ Liberal Party.
Written By 100% human content of Gregory Cawsey
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