First Published Column

To commemorate black history month I am posting my first column published this month 28 years ago. 

In pursuit of this goal I spoke with a number of professors and scholars including Duke University's John Hope Franklin. I also traveled to the University of Guelph  and meet with Dr. C.J. Mumford. I was able to have a sit down meeting with the Chancellor of the University of Western Ontario. 

The column did build awareness around the issue and I am pleased to see that Western now offers this course. I hope a diverse group takes this class.

So what now...

I continue to advocate for a strong, diverse public education system.  Learning in a diverse setting that has a deep respect for human rights, builds a strong foundation of perspective and understanding.

And in the future...

Many of our culture wars and petty political squabbles are inconsequential in a global context. Our biggest global problems will only be solved with a global mindset. We must embrace that World citizenship comes first.

Yes, charity begins at home - and our planet is that home.

By Gregory Cawsey



Public #onted is a JUSTCAWS... Podcast