The Need For A Great Reset In Healthcare Capacity

Getting caught off guard is never a good feeling. Even nice surprises can take a moment to process.  When something bad happens, we may be stuck in reaction mode awhile before we start to contemplate if we could have seen it coming.  At the start this pandemic my anxiety like many was hig…

Am An Unapologetic American - For Now

I am an unapologetic American, for now. When my country of birth voted for Trump in 2016, I will admit surprise, but not shock. Democracies don't always get it right, but to fall for the same con twice -the Canadian side of my citizenship would make me apologize for that.  Back in 2016,  the me…

Guest Contributor Ed Hicken Tells Educators ....

Why Everyone Wants to Work In Your Department Administration/Front Office: The office does control the world. Our world at least. We have democratic processes and committees, but honestly, if anyone in the office wants to make an announcement, call a meeting, cancel a meeting, rin…

2020 Back To School Tips

Been so much discussion about the merits of various reopening plans that I thought a change of topic was in order. I want to go back to March when everyone put politics aside and dug in to support one another. With that spirit in mind, I wanted to share my back to school tips for in class teachers.…

Social Media - The Rules

Like many people not shy to share their opinions I have been on social media  specifically twitter a lot more during this pandemic.  While it can be enlightening to gain perspective from different points of view, it is not without peril.  Social media like many indulgences is fine in mo…

When The School Bell Rings - We Must Be Ready For All

Been certainly enough speculation from concerned parties about what is going to happen in Ontario Schools this fall. Since I have more than a little skin in the game, I wanted to share my thoughts on the matter.  Knowing first hand as an educator and parent the vital role teachers play in the devel…