Canada's State of Paralysis

So as this state of emergency goes on and on my frustration, disappointment and disbelief only grows. I don't know how emergency powers that destroy people lives and livelihoods have been allowed to continue for this long. I fully support state of emergencies that exist for 30 days. I could eve…

Oil - Not Dead Yet

Oil is not dead. Plastic consumption is going to explode as single use trumps re use in the new normal. Rise of PPE and greater use of plastics in food service for sanitary reasons will boost demand. Reuse is now a bad word in the post pandemic world. The plexi glass is not coming down. Peop…

Enforcing Speed Limits By Shutting Down Roads

As we finally allow the kids to play again, I hope we can do this better next time. Ugh, I really hope there is not a next time. I am in complete support of social distancing as key method for stopping the spread of disease. What I have taken exception to is the way in which it has been imp…