Today's On-line Lesson: Gotta Pay to Play Kids

So garden and hardware stores are set to open again and cottage goers are free to spread. Even the sin shops are allowed to increase their hours. But kids your local park is still closed. Well at least we are giving young people a lesson in civics on how things get done.  You need political …

So What's The Plan?

Well how's it going so far? Your answer to that question probably depends on your bank account or if your job or business was ripped away from you. Yes we are all getting a little squirrely  being stuck inside, but if you’ve got at least 3 rooms to roam around in – stop whining. Imagi…

Preparing For The New Normal

Click  HERE  for the published version. With so much time on our hands, it is only natural that many have turned to social platforms to offer their two cents on how our governments are responding to the COVID – 19 crisis. So let me chime in, with my nickels worth of observations. I hav…