Unions - A Private Affair

So 2020 has been a bad year for a lot of people, including public sector unions. The one exception of course being nurses. Thank goodness for us that their allegiance to their professional oath trumps that of their union.  First it was the Ontario teachers' unions and their strike actions, coup…

Save Local News

The plight of Guelph's lack of news coverage was a  focus last week when local police did not publicize liberal MP's arrest.  Globe columnist @JohnIbbitson  even took to twitter to sound off on the dangers of disappearing local news.  Said much of the same and more when the axe fell on ou…

The Case Against French Immersion

Wrote this back in 2010 well before others, including Macleans  got into the act.  One of the tougher decisions my wife and I had to make as parents was to decide whether to send our kids into French Immersion (FI).  Our school board offers the program at the Junior Kindergarten level and therefore…