Political engagement is high - so that should be a good thing for our democracy. Unfortunately, the United States influence of tribal political identity is creeping into Canada. It seems now everyone has a political opinion and wear it on their sleeve. It reminds me of the change in our attire to g…
Well look at that, another protest in Ottawa. Is anyone else concerned with the growing discontent among the working class in this country? It is one thing to have economic gripes when unemployment is high - but there are jobs a plenty out there. The problem is they don't pay enough to keep up…
Florida Parents Bill of Rights Law - aka Don't Say Gay Law has stirred up quite a bit of controversy. One would hope there would be some professional discretion allowed on behalf of educators to follow age appropriate curriculum in discussing matters with students. Unfortunately, too many pare…
When masks wearing became optional for teachers, I made my choice to not continue. Why? 1. I believe they inhibit learning. Now not all research is conclusive - NY Times but I believe when given the choice, I will teach without them for a better learning experience for students. 2. I miss the v…
Been tapping my thumbs quite a bit on twitter lately, as it seems many educators have expressing their concerns of various school re-opening plans. While many of my colleagues have been critical of various governments, my ire has been directed at the teacher unions and their fervent followers. Obvi…
CFL BULBS - AS THE BULB BREAKS THE FABLE WILL FALL Originally Published in the Guelph Mercury - January 2009 This winter, I realized I had a received one big snow job. However, this time it was not at the hands of my older brother but from all those "do-gooder" environmentalists. See, I b…
Had a speed brainstorm session with my Grade 12 Sports Marketing class on ways to increase Grey Cup ratings and buzz. I thought many of the ideas were practical and worth consideration. Here’s a summary: Bring celebrities into the broadcast booth to call parts of the game – suggestions we…
One of the great things about being a parent is that it gives you the chance to reflect on past decisions that you have made and actions that you take. I recall my four year old son asking "Dad, why do you wear a poppy?" In answering my son, I gave the standard reply -- t…
Complained last night on twitter about the length of the world series game. So during the endless dead time came up with the following suggestions. I'm not sure I am a purist, but I have played, coached, managed and umpired this game we love, so not offering anything incredibly radical. All see…
Antivaxxers and individuals who remain in a tight, personal lockdown, share one thing in common - fear. The cause of their fear may be different (vaccine vs. covid) but their irrational behaviour puts them on the fringes of society. The only way to bring them back to the fold is a slow progression …
As I fly back from scenic British Columbia and recall all the beautiful landscapes, I can’t help but reflect on the state of our planet. While climate change remains the green issue du jour. My focus prior to the pandemic was pushing for the elimination of single use plastics. W…
As we come up on the one year anniversary of Covid, I thought I would share some of things I have learned and observed during all this. 1. Nothing good comes after the sentence - "out of an abundance of caution.... " 2. My opinion of Teacher Unions has been confirmed. They still …